Wednesday, November 17, 2010

First Birthday, Sweetness

Dear Sylas,

I want to write you a letter to tell you how important you are. I want you to know that you are loved and cherished in this madness and swiftly moving thing called life. You are so handsome and your smile and hugs make me melt.

You are 1 years old today. You were born on a Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 0845, Kaiser Hospital San Francisco, CA. You were 4 weeks early. 5 lbs 2 oz and 18.5 inches long. Just like me, you were breech and required a grand entrance via Cesarean Section. I was so worried that I was going to be in so much pain and so immobile after the surgery, but the moment I held you I new we would be ok. You were so tiny and so perfect. At home we met your Big Brother, Brock and our precious Maya Girl.

You are the completion of our little family. You bring us joy and happiness all of the time. You don't have many words, but you are very vocal and make it known when you want something. You love to dance anytime music is playing and sometimes to the silent little tune playing in your head.  You just started walking this week, a little unsteady, but determined. You get so excited at the sound of your brothers voice and you know that when he is coming you are in for fun. You 2 like to wrestle right now! You are so persistent, I realize that is what will make you successful as you grow up. I want to make sure you remember our 4 values: gratitude, faith, love and legacy. Win the day, everyday!

I love you so much.
Love Always,

Our Favorite Lullaby
from Cool Hand Luke

I don't care if it rains or freezes
As long  I've got the plastic Jesus 
Sitting on the dashboard of my car.
Comes in colors pink and pleasant
Glows in the dark 'cause its iridescent.
Take it with you when you travel far.

Get yourself a sweet Madonna
Dressed in rhinestones, 
Sitting on a pedestal of abalone shells.

Going 90, I ain't scary
Cause I got the Virgin Mary 
Assuring me 
That I won't go to hell.